Serving High Schools, Colleges, and Community-Based Programs

If there was ever a time when our students, support staff, teachers, and community need us - it is now. Ask us about our curriculum that has successfully served teens and young adults. Survey testimonials are below.


  • I realized I haven't breathed deeply in a long time. Perhaps the whole pandemic. A much needed reminder for myself and the students. Thank you so much for speaking with our class today.

    PFF Student Coordinator

  • I think it will help me because I now have exercises to practice at home. I feel like the exercise with the gate and the square breathing are very easy to do, so I will hopefully be able to do it in college as well.

    18 year old RPS Student

  • Very good, I don't really take of myself so I'm going to try and focus on doing at least one self care activity every day.

    18 year old RPS Student

  • I love how knowledgeable the lesson was with genuine clear explanation as to why and what this is for. Making a difference within our mind makes longterm impact on our mentality. Out of all presentations this is my absolute top favorite I loved it thank you for your time.

    16 year old RPS Student

  • The breathing technique helped me calm down a lot; usually I have issues with breathing techniques but the four second interval was perfect

    16 year old RPS Student

  • I often have my times when I just don't feel great and today was one of those days, but the meditation definitely made me feel better. I hope to incorporate more self- care to prevent and treat those moods. Life has been moving really fast lately and it's really easy to forget taking care of yourself, but even the small acts (journaling, meditating, etc.) are an easy and timely way to feel better.

    18 year old RPS Student

  • I’ll have a strategy to destress when I’m overwhelmed in college and in general

    18 year old student

  • I felt todays session on self care and meditation was very good I got some great advice that I can use in my daily life and I really enjoyed the session.

    16 year old student

  • That it’s something i shouldn’t take it lightly, I had a really profound understanding and detox and it’s something I’m trying to experience again.

    16 year old student